Home Page of Masao Doi

Last updated 2022/02/07

Masao Doi
Masao Doi
Chief Scientist, Wenzhou Institute, UCAS
Emeritus Professor, Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan
Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Contact Address
Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Science
No1. Jinlian Road, Longwan District, Wenzhou,
Zhejiang, 325000, China
Email : doi.masao@a.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp
Research interest:
I. Soft matter physics in applications:
• rheology, dynamics in drying and wetting, structural formation
• gels and membranes in bio-medical application
II. Modeling and simulation:
• multi-scale modeling for interfaces and contact line
B.A. in Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, 1970
M.Sc. in Applied Physics, University of Tokyo 1973
Doctor of Engineering, University of Tokyo 1976
Professional experience:
1974/04-1978/09  Assistant Professor in Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
1978/10-1989/07  Associate Professor in Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
1989/08-1997/03  Professor in Applied Physics, Nagoya Univ.
1997/04-2004/03  Professor in Computational Science and Engineering, Nagoya Univ
2004/04-2012/03  Professor in Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
2012/04-2013/03  Fellow of Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute
2013/04-2021/03  Professor, Beihang University, Beijing, China
2022-        Chief Scientist, Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Acadamy of Science
1976/10-1978/09  Postdoctor at Imperial College and University of Cambridge, U.K.
1984/05-1985/02  Visiting professor, University of Cambridge, U.K.
1998/08-2002/03  Project Leader of the National Project
"Research and Development of Platform for Designing High Functional Materials"
Academic society:
Physical society of Japan, Polymer society of Japan, Rheological society of Japan, Liquid crystal society of Japan
Institute of physics(IOP), American institute of physics(AIP)
1982/05   The Awards of the Society of Polymer Science,Japan
1983/05   Young Awards of the Rheological Society of Japan
1988/11   Japan IBM Awards of Science
1999/02   Honorary Doctor, Katholic University Leuven,Belgium
2001/03   Polymer Prize(Ford Prize) American Physical Soceity
2001/10   Bingham Medal, The Soceity of Rheology (USA)
2003/05   The Awards of the Rheological Society Japan
2005/01   Honorary Fellow, Institute of Physics (U.K.)
2010/05   Purple Ribbon Medal (Japan)
2012/05   SPSJ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Polymer Science and Technology
2014/05   Awards of Society of Rheology, Japan
2014/05   Humboldt Research Award
2015/09   Award for Authorship, Society of Liquid Crystals, Japan
2015/10   Fellow of The Society of Rheology
2016/01   Foreign member of National Academy of Engineering, USA
2019/09   Polymer Physics Group Founders' Prize, Institute of Physics, UK
2021/04   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
1989/03   Kurt Wohl Memorial Lectureship, University of Delaware, USA
1991/01   College de France, Paris, France
1994/04-08 Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology, USA
1996/04   Dale Pearson Lecturer, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
2013/11-12 ESPCI Paris Tech-Michelin visiting professor, Paris, France
2014/02-05 Otto Monsted Guest Professor, Denmark Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Soft Matter Physics,
Masao Doi, Oxford University Press (2013) page 1-25
The book provides a comprehensive introduction to soft matter (what it is, and what are the characteristics of such materials), and also provides the reader with the physical basis for understanding and discussing such characteristics in more detail. Many basic concepts, which are required in advanced courses of condensed matter physics, such as coarse graining, scaling, phase separation, order-disorder transition, Brownian motion, and fluctuation-dissipation theorem, are explained in detail with various forms of soft matter used as examples.

The Theory of Polymer Dynamicc
Masao Doi and S. F. Edwards Oxford University Press (1986) page 1-391
This book provides a comprehensive account of the modern theory for the dynamical properties of polymer solutions. The theory has undergone dramatic evolution over the last two decades due to the introduction of new methods and concepts that have extended the frontier of theory from dilute solutions in which polymers move independently to concentrated solutions where many polymers converge. Among the properties examined are viscoelasticity, diffusion, dynamic light scattering, and electric birefringence. Nonlinear viscoelasticity is discussed in detail on the basis of molecular dynamical models. The book bridges the gap between classical theory and new developments, creating a consistent picture of polymer solution dynamics over the entire concentration range.

高分子物理 相転移ダイナミクス
土井正男 小貫明 岩波書店(1992) page1-240


Introduction to Polymer Physics
Masao Doi, Oxford University Press (1995) page 1-120
Polymers are very large molecules consisting of many atoms covalently bonded like a chain. Their structure gives unique physical properties to polymer solutions. This outstanding textbook gives a clear and concise introduction to the modern theory of polymer physics. It describes basic concepts and methods and explains the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules; topics include scaling theory, concentration fluctuation, gels, and reptation. This is an ideal volume for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in polymer physics.

土井正男 滝本淳一編 名古屋大学出版会 (2004) page 1-300

土井正男 朝倉書店(2006) page 1-227
第1章 確率・統計の考え方
第2章 孤立系における力学状態の分布
第3章 温度とエントロピー
第4章 カノニカル分布とその応用
第5章 グランドカノニカル分布とその応用
第6章 量子統計
第7章 フェルミ分布とボーズ‐アインシュタイン分布
第8章 相互作用のある系 第9章 相転移 第10章 ゆらぎと応答

土井正男 岩波書店(2010) page 1-275
第1章 ソフトマターとは
第2章 溶液とコロイド分散系
第3章 高分子溶液
第4章 高分子弾性体
第5章 液晶
第6章 界面活性剤
第7章 ブラウン運動と熱ゆらぎ
第8章 非平衡ソフトマターの変分原理
第9章 ソフトマターにおける物質拡散
第10章 ソフトマターの変形と流動
"Dynamics of Domains and Textures" Masao Doi, in "Theoretical Challenges in the Dynamics of Complex Fluids" ed by T.C.B. McLeish,, 1997, Kluwer Academic Publisher,p 293-314
"高分子・ゲル" 土井正男, 大学院物性物理 第3巻, 福山、山田、安藤編 講談社サイエンティフィーク, 1996,p 155-197
"Structure and Properties of Polymers" Masao Doi, in " Viscoelastic and Rheological Properties" ed E. Thomas, VCH, 1993, p 389-425
"融体の動的性質" 土井正男,"高分子機能材料シリーズ 3巻高分子物性の基礎" 高分子学会編, 共立出版, 1993, p 129-143
"高分子ダイナミックス" 土井正男, "講座・レオロジー" 日本レオロジー学会編, 1992, p 121-148
"Microscopic Basis for the Viscoelasticity of Suspensions" Masao Doi in "Physics of Complex and Supermolecular Fluids" ed by S.A. Safran and N.A.Clark, Wiley 1987 p 611-630
"孤立高分子"土井正男 "エッセンシャル高分子科学"中浜,野瀬編、講談社サイエンティフィク ,
"グリーン関数法" 土井正男, "化学者のための数学" 中条、伏見、堀江、土井編 東京化学同人, 1986, , p 227-238
"Rheology of Concentrated Macromolecular Solutions" Masao Doi in "Theory of Dispersed Multiphase Flow"; ed R. E.Meyer, Academic Press 1983 p 35-56
"高分子ダイナミックスにおけるモンテカルロ法" 土井正男, 高分子実験化学講座, 1978, 丸善, p 1025-1034

List of Publication (English)  Updated 2022/02/07