报告题目:Capillary Filling of Polymer Chains in Nanopores
报告时间:2023年2月8日(周三)下午14: 00
报告人:周嘉嘉 教授
邀请人:土井正男 研究员
简历:周嘉嘉,华南理工大学前沿软物质学院教授。2002年北京大学物理系本科毕业。2010年加拿大麦克马斯特大学博士,导师史安昌教授。2011-2015德国美因茨大学博士后,导师Friederike Schmid教授。2015年回国,加入北京航空航天大学化学学院和软物质物理及其应用中心,任副教授。202年加入华南理工大学。主要从事软物质理论、计算和模拟研究发展软物质体系的非平衡动力学方法,探索通过调节动态过程来优化高分子和软物质体系的材料性能。近年来在国际期刊Soft Matter上发表论文Phys. Rev.Lett.. Macromolecules.60余篇,主持国家自然科学基金两项。
Abstract: We performed molecular dvnamics simulationswith a coarse-grained model to investigate the capillary fillingdynamics of polymer chains in a nanopore. Short chains filslower than predicted by the Lucas-Washburn Equation butlong chains fill faster. The analvsis shows that a viscous areais generated by the strong adsorption of polymer chains nextto the pore walls that reduces the pore radius and slowsdown imbibition.This region can be nealigible at themacroscopic scale but cannot be ignored at the nanoscaleReduction of the entanglements is the main factor behind thereversing dvnamics because it induces a lower effectiveviscosity and leads to a faster filling. This effect is enhancedfor longer chains. The observed increase in the mean squareradius of gyration during capillary filling provides a clearevidence of chain orientation, that leads to the decrease inthe number of entanalements. Finally. we propose anequation that accounts for the effect of chain length on thecapillary filling dynamics of polvmer chains in nanopores.