报告题目:The immunoregulatory role of indoleamine 2,3 - dioxygenase: autoimmunity, infection and cancer
报告时间:2023年03月7日(周二) 下午14: 00
报告人:Dr. Kashif Asghar
邀请人:吴敏 研究员
Bio:Kashif Asghar completed his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine(D.V.M) and MSc (Hons) in Vet. Pathology from the University ofAgriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan). He was granted a scholarshipby the French Government to pursue his Master of Research inBiology, Biotechnology, and Therapeutic Research at theUniversity of Nantes (France), where he conducted his research atINSERM.Later, he was awarded a Ph.D.merit scholarship fromNational University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) and HigherEducation Commission (Pakistan) and conducted his doctoraresearch work at the Institute of Cellular Medicine. MedicaSchool,Newcastle University (UK). As an Assistant Professor atNUST. he was recognized with a "Best Teacher" award in 2014Currently, he serves as a research scientist and biobank managerat Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre(SKMCH&RC), and holds a visiting position of Associate Professorat the Microbiology Department, University of Central PuniabLahore (Pakistan).
Abstract:IDO is an immunosuppressiveenzyme that regulates tryptophanmetabolism in various biological processes, such as cancer (e.g..breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma), autoimmunity (e.g..primary biliary cirrhosis), and infections (e.g., hepatitis C virusinfection). In cancer,IDO expression in tumor cells creates animmunosuppressive microenvironment,hindering immune systemfunction. IDO is critical in regulating the immune system andmaintaining homeostasis, and any dysregulation of IDO has beenassociated with the development of yarious diseases. Theinduction of IDO can have both beneficial and detrimental effectson the host's immune response. Tryptophan metabolites areavailable and could potentially demonstrate utility in autoimmunityDO inhibitors have the potential as an immunotherapeutic targeteither as single agents or in combination with other treatmentssuch as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immune checkpointinhibitors.