报告题目:Paramagnetic Complexes as Bioresponsive Probes for Functional Molecular Imaging
报告时间:2025年01月16日(周四) 上午10:20
报告人:Angelovski Goran 教授
邀请人:戴利雄 研究员
简介: Dr. Angelovski Gor an holds a PhD in or ganic chemistry from the University of Dor tmund (2004). He join ed the Max Planck in stitute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebin gen in 2005 as a postdoctor al researcher and rose to become an in dependent group leader in 2014. He also habilitated at the University of Tuebin gen in 2012 and lectured at its Science and Medicin e Faculties. Sin ce 2020, he has been a Senior in vestigator at the in ternational Center for Primate Brain Research, CAS, Shanghai, focusin g on bior esponsive contrast agents for neuroimagin g.
摘要: Bior esponsive MRI probes based on paramagnetic complexes can substantially improve the outcome of functional molecular imagin g studies. They alter the MR image contrast in response to changes in the local environment and thus serve as valuable functional markers, providin g outst and in g specificity at molecular and cellular level. We have developed different types of paramagnetic and biocompatible bior esponsive MRI probes over the past several years. They strongly respond to biologically relevant metal ions such as calcium(II) and zin c(II), or molecules such as amin o acid neurotransmitters. We validated their functionality in various MRI experiments in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. This presentation will in troduce the bior esponsive MRI probes that target essential biomarkers and their potential for use in studyin g physiological and pathological processes in the brain , in cludin g ischemic stroke.