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  叶方富,1978年生,1999年获北京大学天文学及经济学双学士学位,2007年获美国宾夕法尼亚大学物理学博士学位,之后相继在美国肯特州立大学、伊利诺伊大学、佐治亚理工学院从事博士后研究,2013年加入中国科学院物理研究所。现为物理所软物质与生物物理实验室副主任、研究员、博士生导师;2019年5月至今,兼任国科温州研究院副院长。其研究涉及软凝聚态物理、生物物理及生物医学工程等领域,目前的研究课题有:1. 胞外微环境对神经细胞、肿瘤细胞、干细胞等的行为调控;2. 细胞膜与蛋白的相互作用研究;3. 功能生物材料设计;4. 医学成像及检测技术研发;5. 复杂网络的结构与相变;6. 自旋转粒子体系的集合行为研究。

1. Q Yang et al, "Topologically Protected Transport of Cargo in a Chiral Active Fluid Aided by Odd-Viscosity-Enhanced Depletion Interactions", Physical review letters 126, 198001 (2021); 
2. Q Fan et al, "Dynamically Re-Organized Collagen Fiber Bundles Transmit Mechanical Signals and Induce Strongly Correlated Cell Migration and Self-Organization", Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (21), 11858-11867 (2021);
3. C Yang et al, "3D-Printed Biomimetic Systems with Synergetic Color and Shape Responses Based on Oblate Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Droplets", Advanced Materials 33 (10), 2006361 (2021);
4. L Sun et al, "Biohybrid robotics with living cell actuation", Chemical Society Reviews 49, 4043-4069 (2020);
5. L Cai et al, "Stomatocyte structural color-barcode micromotors for multiplex assays", National Science Review 7, 644-651 (2020);
6. P Liu et al, "Oscillating collective motion of active rotors in confinement", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 117, 11901-11907 (2020);
7. Y Yuan et al, "Droplet encapsulation improves accuracy of immune cell cytokine capture assays", Lab on a Chip 20, 1513-1520 (2020);
8. A Boromand et al, "Jamming of deformable polygons", Physical review letters 121, 248003 (2018);
9. Q Fan et al, "A novel 3-D bio-microfluidic system mimicking in vivo heterogeneous tumour microstructures reveals complex tumour–storm interactions", Lab on a Chip 17, 2852-2860 (2017);
10. BS Lu, F Ye, X Xing, PM Goldbart, "Phenomenological theory of isotropic-genesis nematic elastomers", Physical review letters 108, 257803 (2012);
11. Y Sawa#, F Ye# et al, "Shape selection of twist-nematic-elastomer ribbons", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 108, 6364-6368 (2011);
12. F Ye, R Mukhopadhyay, O Stenull, TC Lubensky, "Semisoft nematic elastomers and nematics in crossed electric and magnetic fields", Physical review letters 98, 147801 (2007);
13. JC Tsai, F Ye, J Rodriguez, JP Gollub, TC Lubensky, "A chiral granular gas", Physical review letters 94, 214301 (2005).